Cycling has become very popular in recent years with millions of cyclists worldwide. In fact, according to the International Association of Road Racing Cyclists, there are currently over 400 million riders in the global community. But why should you ride a bicycle instead of taking public transport or driving a car? Check out these benefits.

The environment

It is estimated that one person takes between two and four litres of fuel per day for their vehicle (source: Department for Transport). This can be reduced by up to 90% if they take advantage of an alternative form of transport. Even though this may not seem like much at first, it could have a big impact on the amount of carbon dioxide being pumped into our atmosphere.


If you decide to cycle rather than drive your car, you will probably spend less time sitting down behind the wheel. A study by the British Medical Journal found that cycling reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer (source: BBC News). Another study by the University of Cambridge found that people who cycle regularly tend to live longer than those who do not cycle at all (source: Guardian).


Cycling is much cheaper than other modes of transport. For example, the cost of a return bus ticket from London to Brighton is £9 – equivalent to just £10 per hour spent on a bike. However, if you factor in your annual mileage, then you’ll find that you’re spending around £150-£200 per year on petrol and maintenance costs alone (assuming 5,000 miles/year). On top of that, buying food and clothing while cycling usually means paying more money because you have no choice but to buy them locally.


Many studies have been done showing that cycling is safer than driving a car. It’s also easier to get away if you fall off!


Biking involves getting outside to see new places and meet new people. There are many different ways to enjoy yourself while riding a bike; whether you go for a spin along the beach or ride alongside the canal, cycling is a great way to stay fit and healthy.


You don’t need permission to travel anywhere by car, but most roads require prior planning, which will inevitably make you late somewhere. By contrast, cyclists have the freedom to travel wherever they want whenever they want without having to ask anyone’s permission.


If you commute to work every day, cycling saves a lot of wasted time as you won’t waste gas waiting in traffic. Bikes are also perfect for sightseeing trips since you can cover a lot of ground quickly. As well as saving time, riding a bike also helps keep weight under control because you burn fewer calories than someone walking or running.


Riding bikes is convenient because you aren’t limited to using certain types of transportation such as trains, buses or planes. You can simply hop on your bike and go where ever you want. Some cities even provide bike lanes so that you only need to use a small part of your street.


Riding a bike gives you a chance to interact with members of society you wouldn’t normally come across. You might meet new friends or family along your route, or learn something about local history. In short, it provides opportunities for meeting new people.

The Environment

Green spaces should be made available to everyone, especially when we consider how important they are in maintaining good health and well-being. So why shouldn’t they be available to us? They help save energy, reduce pollution and improve quality of life. Green space becomes even more useful when you think about the effects of climate change. If we are going to avoid disaster, we must take steps now to ensure that we leave green space for future generations.

Health Benefits

There are numerous benefits associated with cycling including lower blood pressure, better circulation, reduced stress levels and improved fitness amongst many others.


Cycling has become more and more popular over recent years due to its ability to reduce our carbon footprint and combat other environmental problems caused by cars. Not only that but there’s also a growing economy supporting businesses that sell products designed specifically for cyclists like cycle shops, repair workshops and hotels.


Spending time out in nature can do wonders for your physical appearance. How often have you heard somebody say “I went for an early morning run/walk” after describing their daily routine? Exercise does wonders for the skin and can lead to clear, glowing skin. Therefore being outdoors while you exercise can give you the same benefits.

Clean Air

Studies have shown that air pollution is dangerous for public health all around the world. It causes various respiratory diseases that can severely impact your health. When you’re exercising you remove pollutants from the body through perspiration.

In conclusion, if you want to live longer and healthier, spend some time doing what makes you feel alive and healthy. Ride a bicycle! Also, check out the benefits of playing online casino games.